Compost & Mulch

we give green waste a new life by turning it into

compost and mulch products

Premium Compost

A soil conditioner that replaces carbon into the soil, increases micro-organisms for soil health, as well as providing beneficial nutrient uptake for plants.

Premium Garden Blend

A mix containing Premium Compost, sand, and mill mud. Ideal for making garden beds, vegetable gardens and in pots.

Composted Coarse Mulch

A woody mulch that has been through the composting process and is ideally suited to mulching under trees and bushes.

Pasteurised Mulch

A garden mulch that has gone through a natural heat treatment to prevent weeds from germinating.

Our high-quality compost and mulch products are available directly from our Green Solutions Wide Bay facility.  Our Premium Compost is Australian Standard certified AS4454 for composts, mulches, soil conditioners, and related products.

We consistently produce quality compost and mulch products as a result of our commitment to using best practice and product testing procedures across our green waste operation.

To learn more about our green waste composting process click here.

Contact us

[email protected]

+617 4304 8135


Green Waste Drop-off:

Monday to Friday 7am to 4:30pm

Saturday and Sunday 9am to 4pm

Sales Office:

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

Saturday and Sunday 9am-4pm


Our Location

417 Windermere Road, Qunaba, QLD 4670

417 Windermere Road, Qunaba, QLD 4670